Behind this smile there are days of anxiety.
Behind this smile there are days of depression.
Behind this smile there are times of crippling self doubt.
Behind this smile there are times of overwhelming sadness.
Behind this smile there is pain.
Behind this smile there is a feeling of not being good enough, successful enough, pretty enough, cool enough, strong enough.
But behind this smile there is also happiness, days of feeling like I can achieve anything I set my mind to, time spent with people I love that make my heart happy, days spent in wonderment at the beauty of the world we live in, moments of bliss with my fur babies, good food and music enjoyed.
No ones life is perfect, the fairytale is not simply happily ever after, we must acknowledge the hard times and honour our lives for all the ups and the downs, the lessons we learn, the growth when we push through painful places.
Behind the happy showreel of my life there are tears, there is hurt and anger, there is loneliness. There is rejection. There is worthlessness.
Mental health affects me too.
You are not alone.
Take small steps every day to look after your mental health.
Find something that gives you happiness no matter how small.
Find something that gives you peace.
Find something that makes your soul feel alive.